Space Booking

A highly intuitive desk and room booking system that allows you to visualize available workspaces at a glance. Learn more >>

Locate your nearest bookable room or desk

If you have indoor positioning set up on your map, you can choose to find the closest bookable space to your current location. Our intuitive color-coding function will show you at a glance which spaces are booked and which are free.

Office desk booking system

Book desks in just a few clicks

Our simple booking function takes the stress out of securing a desk space. What’s more, we can integrate with your Google or Outlook calendar or your university timetabling system. You’ll see a URL appear in your schedule, which will give you directions to your chosen desk. You can use the map on mobile, tablet, or computer and it doesn’t require an app. We combine indoor and outdoor directions too, so you can navigate seamlessly between buildings or even from your home to your required destination.

Stop ‘false’ bookings

MazeMap’s space visualization and booking tool also integrates with sensor systems to show you whether the workspace is physically in use or not. You can configure the room settings to free up a booked room or desk if it is left idle for X amount of time. This reduces instances of people booking spaces, but never actually showing up.

Storyboard of automatic unbooking
Office desk booking system illustration

Worried about people not showing up to their desks? Don't worry.

We've now developed a new function that is able to check if people actually show up to their booking. Our new Wi-Fi AutoUnbook will regularly check if the person booking a desk shows up - if not we cancel the booking, allowing others to utilize the workstation. This is a scalable way of implementing automatic unbooking, and is much more cost-efficient than traditional methods using hardware.

Ready to see what
MazeMap can do
for you?