Terms & Conditions

Updated on March 16, 2020

The following conditions and terms apply;

1. Liability of our Services

MazeMap and MazeMap’s suppliers and distributors, will not be responsible for lost profits, revenues, financial losses or indirect, special, consequential or punitive damages. To the extent permitted by law, the total liability of MazeMap, and its suppliers and distributors, for any claims under these terms, including for any implied warranties, is limited to the amount you paid us to use the Services.

2. Regarding all Services, except MazeMap Indoor Maps

The Customer must provide the necessary personnel resources from the Customers side to implement and run the Service.

3. Regarding MazeMap Indoor Maps

3.1 For MazeMap End Users terms see mazemap.com/terms. MazeMap may alter the Terms of Service without prior notice. The current MazeMap Service Terms for the Customer and End Users are at all times given at mazemap.com/terms.

3.2 The Customer owns the data he provides to MazeMap including the map data. However, MazeMap is allowed to use the map data without limitations and at no cost for internal quality assurance and to produce a private or public service available at mazemap.com as agreed upon by the Customer.

3.3 Maps from the Customer are published as soon as MazeMap has finished converting the Customer’s maps.

3.4 The Customer must provide floor plans in dwg, dxf or ifc format to MazeMap;

-The customer must provide a building manifest meaning addresses or geographical coordinates for each building. Information to translate floor plan file names to buildings and floors will be required.

- Points of Interest, meaning searchable content and text in maps has to come either from structured floor plan data, the MazeMap map editor, Facility Management System integrations or other data sources such as .csv or .xls that holds a reference to room codes. Facility Management System integrations require a separate subscription.

- Any and all data provided to MazeMap will be used to make the data searchable or visible. If any data are to be hidden, this must be specified by the Customer, and the format of the specification must be agreed upon with MazeMap.

-MazeMap reserves the right to inspect and approve the floor plans before publication. 

4. For integration with indoor positioning from Wi-Fi vendors

4.1 The Customer must provide the necessary hardware and licenses to enable an integration. MazeMap will only do an integration and is not responsible  for  the hardware. MazeMap assumes no responsibility for the acquirement and/or configuration and quality of service of third party position solutions or the Customers Wireless Network.

4.2 The end user that is to be positioned needs for be connected to the Customers Wi-Fi network. Positioning accuracy and update frequency is dependent on the Customers Wi-Fi infrastructure. MazeMap is not responsible for accuracy and update frequency.

4.3 The Customer must provide and maintain a server (can be virtual) including an operating system at Customer premises made available to MazeMap for installing and running a MazeMap’s integration with the third party position solutions.

5. For Map Editor

The Customer can add any of MazeMaps standard symbols or icons to the map using the Map editor. Other symbols or icons, up to 20, can be used, but the work to allow this will be charged by the hour.

6. For update of floor plans and integration of Facility Management System

6.1 Update of floor plans 

The following requirements have to be met for MazeMap to update the floor plans automatically:

- The floor plans must be available for MazeMap through an API, website, ftp-server or similar.

- The name of the floor plans must not be changed between updates

- The layers must have the same interpretation between imports, i.e. do not create new layers or move geometries to a layer that previously held a different type of data

- The local coordinates used in the floor plans must not be changed

- The Customer may have to confirm the correctness of our automatic interpretation of the floor plan data if major changes are detected

Failure to comply with these requirements may require the Customer to correct the changes in the floor plan or may in some instances result wrongly interpreted maps being presented to the end user.

6.2 Integration of Facility Management System ;

- MazeMap must be given access to web-service API providing relevant data from the FMS

- Major changes to the API may require a completely new integration with MazeMap. Any changes in customer API that requires code changes by MazeMap will be charged by the hour.

7. For APIs

MazeMap may update the APIs any time in the future and deprecate parts of -or entire versions of the APIs. In such events, MazeMap will give 4 months notice of deprecation, where the Customer is responsible for converting to an updated version of the API within said period. MazeMap might keep 

8. Delivery

Delivery of services will be provided from MazeMaps offices. If presence at customer site is necessary, the cost of travel and accommodation will be invoiced.